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October 10 CC Coin of the Week

13 years 7 months ago #1541 by Belayoff
Mistake [mi stáyk]
(noun or transitive verb, depending on application)
- an incorrect, unwise or unfortunate act or decision caused by bad judgment or a lack of information.

Example: Belay Off made a mistake by forgetting to reassign the October 10th, Carson City Coin of the Week date when that date became vacant.

Egg [eg ]
- the hard-shelled oval object laid by hens and other birds.

Example: Belay Off has egg all over his face for taking until October 14th to realize that the October 10th Coin of the Week date was not re-assigned.

Please watch for the next Carson City Coin of the Week article scheduled, and on target, for October 17th.

Sorry everyone...this was 100% my goof.

Belay Off

C4OA Lifer!

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13 years 7 months ago - 13 years 7 months ago #1542 by Garryn
Thats ok. I did two in a row last month.
Last edit: 13 years 7 months ago by Garryn.

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13 years 7 months ago #1543 by coindrummer
Hi Belay

That's OK...no harm...no fowl...ooops, I mean foul. No fowl...no egg!

....no yoke! hahahahahaha :lol:

Your last incredible post makes up for any missed issues for sure.

Michael the drummer

C4OA Lifer!

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13 years 7 months ago #1544 by Belayoff
Thanks guys...


C4OA Lifer!

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13 years 7 months ago #1546 by randysc
Don't beat your self up, I am the one who's face the egg should be on.
My last scheduled C.O.W. post was to be on Sept. 26,2010, of which was the week I was pulling a night shift duty at work. I was going to post something, though impromptu it would have been, but when I went to post, the Drummer had already posted something about the 1871-CC Half Eagle. I must admit, he did me a favor as what he posted was far better that anything I would have thrown together. But instead of bringing the fact up to attention that I was scheduled to post, I let it go and went about my business. That is what threw the schedule out of whack. Please accept my humble, but most sincere apologies. I will make the utmost effort to be more responsive in these matters in the future. My apologies also to my C.O.W. partners whom I feel I have let down. I will do better. Thank you Belay, for your all you do for this club, it is appreciated.
A most contrite, but respectful,

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13 years 7 months ago #1547 by Belayoff

As always, you're a real gentlman. As much as we all enjoy this hobby and take it very seriously, we all have jobs and families to whom our alegance is first owed. At the end of the day, we'll be proud of our 111 coin of the week articles when we are all done. Most of all, we'll have had lots of fun while learning a great deal in the process.

Warm regards...Belay Off

C4OA Lifer!

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